
To me, photography  is an expression of a view of the world. Of course there is the effort to find a creative view: A low angle. A silhouette.

But by and large the view is the artists own and shows how the artist perceives the world.

My perception is based on where I am from and how I got here.

From a middle class upbringing, I chose to rebel in my own way against the inevitable adulthood of college out of high school. I went to work.

I have been, in no certain order:

W. Scot Grey at the beach in Puerto Rico

  • Writer
  • Artist
  • Construction Worker
  • Desk Clerk
  • Graphic Designer
  • Musician
  • Photographer

Along the way I met my wife and together we had a baby.

My new life with family has changed my perspective like no artistic drive could before. Smitten, I am more patient, more interested, and of course hyper-aware.

W. Scot Grey in a kilt

All of this drives my perspective, and I want to share that.

This is my sharing.

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